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Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare

In an age where the battlefield extends beyond the physical borders and into the realms of the mind, understanding the dynamic of 5G, modern technology and 5th Generation Warfare has never been more crucial.

We are thrilled to bring you an exclusive opportunity to delve into this complex and fascinating subject with renowned expert Sarah Westall and many other like-minded individuals. Sarah Westall is a respected analyst and thought leader, who brings her unparalleled insights into the shadowy world of modern warfare.

Join us and stream Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare to uncover sophisticated strategies and technologies that redefine conflict in the 21st century, how you can identify it and how you can survive it.

Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare by Sarah Westall will premiere on BrightU on June 29 at 12 PM EST and will stream until July 9 at 12 PM EST. We will keep each episode on replay for 24 hours (from 12 noon EST until the following day, at 12 noon EST), at which point we'll play the next episode in the series.

If you would like to stream on your own schedule, you can purchase the Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare Premium Package today and receive incredible free bonus items.

Find out the truth about covert tactics and psychological operations that are shaping out global events. Check out the full episode guide below, mark your calendars, and stay tuned:

Day 1: June 29-30: Behind the Veil: Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare

Day 2: June 30-July 01: Secrets of 5th Generation Warfare

Day 3: July 01-02: The Psychology Behind Mind Control

Day 4: July 02-03: Political Manipulation of 5th Generation Warfare

Day 5: July 03-04: The History and Secrets of Mind Control

Day 6: July 04-05: The Science and Engineering of 5th Generation Warfare

Day 7: July 05-06: Targeting and Mind Control Experiments

Day 8: July 06-07: The Legal Battles Against Targeted Mind Control

Day 9: July 07-08: The Truth Behind Havana Syndrome

Day 10: July 08-09: Advanced Methods of Mind Control and Solutions

Day 11: July 09-10: Replay of episodes 1-10

Sarah Westall and our group of experts provide comprehensive research and in-depth discussions that offer a unique perspective on the methods used to influence and control societies.

Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate and interpret the rapidly evolving landscape of modern warfare. Don't miss this chance to expand your awareness and understand the unseen battles that influence our world.

Here are the topics that our experts will discuss:

Day 1: Behind the Veil: Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare featuring Sarah Westall

Running Time: 00:44:23

Day 1

As a Big Tech refugee with a background in designing essential internet systems, Sarah provides unique insights into the digital landscape and its potential for surveillance and control. Witness how technological advancements have reshaped warfare and influenced global power dynamics.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Explore expert-backed approaches for understanding targeted manipulation, mind control, and modern warfare tactics.
  • Gain valuable insights from professionals as they discuss the evolution of warfare and the impact of technological advancements.
  • Discover how digital infrastructures can be used for surveillance and control.
  • Learn from experts who share strategies to navigate and counter these modern threats.

Day 2: Secrets of 5th Generation Warfare featuring Armin Krishnan

Running Time: 01:00:09

Day 2

With a wealth of knowledge in foreign policy, international security, and intelligence studies, Armin brings a unique and authoritative voice to this complex subject. His experience includes mentoring intelligence agents and military personnel, and he has authored numerous journal articles and six books on contemporary warfare.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Discover the fundamentals of 5th Generation Warfare and how it shapes modern military strategies.
  • Learn how creating confusion and leveraging psychological tactics can win wars without traditional battles.
  • Gain insights into the ultimate objectives of 5th Generation Warfare: controlling the enemy's mind and body.
  • Hear real-world examples and theoretical insights from a leading expert in security studies.

Day 3: The Psychology Behind Mind Control featuring Dave Hodges

Running Time: 00:49:49

Day 3

Watch as Dave Hodges delves into the methods of coercion and the fascinating psychology behind mind control. He explains that 25% to 40% of the population has a built-in defense mechanism against such tactics.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Understand the psychological foundations of mind control and the methods used to exert influence over individuals.
  • Learn about the natural defense mechanisms that some people have against mind control tactics.
  • Explore the cutting-edge technologies and experiments designed to bypass these defenses, including nanobot technology.
  • Hear about historical mind control experiments, including those conducted by the Nazis, and how they discovered conditions that weaken people's natural defenses.

Day 4: Political Manipulation of 5th Generation Warfare featuring Reinette Senum

Running Time: 00:47:48

Day 4

Watch as the former Mayor of Nevada City, California and former gubernatorial candidate Reinette, an outspoken environmental activist, brings her unique political perspective to the table, exposing the dark side of political manipulation and media-created realities.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Discover the tactics used to co-opt political movements and invert their original meanings.
  • Learn how media and political institutions manufacture realities to control public perception.
  • Understand the systemic exclusion of non-chosen politicians from media platforms and public debates.
  • Gain insights into the patterns and strategies behind the scenes, from social media manipulation to targeted radio ads.

Day 5: The History and Secrets of Mind Control featuring Courtenay Turner and Maryam Henein

Running Time: 00:57:34

Day 5

Join Courtenay and Maryam as they explore the roots of the Tavistock Institute, tracing its beginnings to the period before World War I. They uncover its role as a British unit specializing in psychological warfare and human relations, revealing how the institute crafted mind control techniques that still shape media companies today.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Dive into the rich history and pivotal impact of the Tavistock Institute.
  • Uncover the mind control techniques pioneered by Tavistock and their use in today's media landscape.
  • Examine how these techniques influence public opinion and steer societal narratives.
  • Reveal the tactics designed to stifle critical thinking and suppress challenges to mainstream viewpoints.

Day 6: The Science and Engineering of 5th Generation Warfare featuring Hope and Tivon

Running Time: 00:46:08

Day 6

Watch as Hope and Tivon delve into a variety of crucial subjects such as energy weapons, EMF radiation, protection strategies, surveillance, and biotechnology. They expose how sock puppets, bots and click farms fabricate an online illusion or what they call online realities. They will also talk about the profound implications of the Wireless Body Area Network—the Internet of Bodies.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Uncover how sock puppets, bots, and click farms fabricate deceptive online realities.
  • Explore the Wireless Body Area Network and its profound effects on personal privacy and health.
  • Discover EMF-targeted weapons and the tools to mitigate their impacts.
  • Delve into advanced surveillance and biotechnology techniques that shape and control our lives.

Day 7: Targeting and Mind Control Experiments featuring Richard Lighthouse

Running Time: 00:45:59

Day 7

Immerse yourself in the unsettling realm of mind control experiments and targeted individuals with Richard Lighthouse, a former NASA scientist and Stanford graduate holding a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. In this episode, Lighthouse reveals the chilling realities endured by millions of targeted individuals, offering a compelling firsthand account.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Grasp the vast reach and impact of mind control experiments affecting millions.
  • Uncover the use of resonated frequencies to monitor and manipulate people.
  • Dive into Voice to Skull technology and its mind control applications.
  • Reveal the covert manipulation tactics involving targeted frequencies from satellites, cell towers, and other technologies.

Day 8: The Legal Battles Against Targeted Mind Control featuring Ana Toledo

Running Time: 00:51:03

Day 8

Ana Toledo delves into her role in a groundbreaking 5th Circuit lawsuit, where Targeted Justice is challenging Attorney General Garland on behalf of targeted individuals. She exposes the complexities of Special Access Programs, which are funded by the Black Project Budget and managed by agencies like the CIA, FBI, DHS, and the U.S. Space Force.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Dive into the 5th Circuit's ongoing legal fight to protect individuals under surveillance.
  • Grasp the impact of Special Access Programs run by different federal agencies.
  • Uncover the breach of constitutional rights through warrantless surveillance and remote neural monitoring.
  • Explore the treaty and RICO violations linked to these secretive programs.

Day 9: The Truth Behind Havana Syndrome featuring Dr. Len Ber

Running Time: 01:04:03

Day 9

Dr. Ber exposes the severe impact of directed energy weapons and the symptoms of Havana Syndrome, offering an insider's view on 5th Generation Warfare. Dr. Len Ber's firsthand experience provides a unique perspective on the devastating consequences of directed energy weapons and the urgent need for awareness and action.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Unveil the mystery surrounding Havana Syndrome and its direct ties to directed energy weapons.
  • Learn about the symptoms and repercussions endured by victims of Havana Syndrome.
  • Join Dr. James Giordano in his fervent advocacy alongside Dr. Ber within the DOD, exploring his pioneering research on the evolution of warfare.
  • Explore the extensive implications of directed energy weapons on the dynamic landscape of future battlegrounds and strategic warfare.

Day 10: Advanced Methods of Mind Control and Solutions featuring Sarah Westall

Running Time: 01:00:40

Day 10

Delve into Sarah Westall's exploration of cutting-edge neural manipulation, mind-possession tech, hive-mind studies, brain DNA alteration and so much more. Uncover actionable strategies to counter these advancements, starting with heightened awareness and comprehensive understanding.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Dive into the dynamic realm of full spectrum dominance and revolutionary mind-war strategies shaping modern warfare.
  • Learn about the key entities propelling advanced technologies such as nanobots, cognitive-altering devices, and genetic manipulation.
  • Discover actionable solutions to counter these formidable methods, commencing with heightened awareness.

About Sarah Westall

Sarah Westall stands as a beacon of entrepreneurial success and visionary leadership. With an illustrious track record spanning over two decades, she has masterfully developed and nurtured numerous ventures, from a dynamic management and consulting firm to a thriving international import and manufacturing powerhouse.

Sarah is most appreciated for her unapologetically authentic approach, coupled with a wealth of expertise in technology, engineering, and the art of entrepreneurship, granting her a unique vantage point in the realm of media.

At the heart of Sarah's mission lies a fervent dedication to championing free speech rights and shedding light on the atrocities against humanity. In a groundbreaking move, she joined forces with fellow podcasters and journalists to take on tech giant Google, challenging its infringement upon the First Amendment by acting as a de facto arm of government, censoring channels and stifling voices. Out of this pivotal moment emerged the action-driven nonprofit United for Free Speech, encouraging individuals to safeguard this fundamental freedom.

Brighteon University

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All times listed EST. Shows and schedules are subject to change at programmer discretion.